The Upcut had a chance to sit down for a chat with Dr Muhammad Asad Khan who is popularly known as DaktarSaab on the internet. Speaking on various issues, Dr Khan shared with us as to how he came up with the idea, what he hopes to achieve with the videos and what keeps him busy when he is not shooting. Without further ado, let’s hear it from the man himself.
Please tell us a little bit about yourself.
Muhammad Asad Khan: I’m a 30-year-old with almost a childlike wonderment to life. I have always wanted to explore different aspects of my personality and grow and learn different skills. Medical infotainment is an amalgamation of myself as a teacher, doctor, creative and a comedian (of sorts).

Where did you do your MBBS from?
MAK: I did my MBBS from Karachi Medical and Dental College in 2015.
How long have you been making videos on Facebook and YouTube?
MAK: I started making videos in September of 2019. So, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that it’s been almost two and a half years now! Time goes by fast. Phew.
How did you come up with the idea of creating your own channel?
MAK: When I found out about my friend’s mother going through breast cancer, I was heartbroken. It puzzled me to realise that effective medical messaging does not exist in our country. DaktarSaab was my little effort to utilise the digital medium in spreading accurate and palatable health information.

What do you expect the viewers to learn from your videos?
MAK: I don’t expect people to understand medical sciences. The idea is to inculcate the practice of going to doctors annually even when there are no symptoms. The importance of screening for early detection and treatment of silent diseases is what our mission is.
Do you work alone on your videos?
MAK: I am unfortunately not that versatile in my talents. (Laughs). I write my own scripts but shooting and editing are done by friends and partners in the channel.
What do you do when you are not making videos?
MAK: I’m trying to specialise in general practice so I study and prepare for exams. I also teach medical students and practice in a private clinic.

What have you learned from your experience?
MAK: There’s a lot that I got to learn through content creation but one thing that truly stands out is the weak relationship of doctors with their patients. Through this platform, I’m trying various ways to bridge the gap between them.
What does the future hold for DaktarSaab?
MAK: I don’t think I can answer this question. DaktarSaab is an extension of myself as a person and a professional. And I feel it will evolve and change based on how I evolve and change in my life and my profession. However, I aim to keep bridging the gaps between doctors and patients.