KARACHI: On Wednesday, after the order of the Sindh High Court, Dua Zehra met her parents. The medical examination report confirmed that the teenager is aged between 16-17 years.
The counsel of Mehdi Kazmi (Dua’s father) requested to present documents that claim Dua’s age to be 14 years. However, the court rejected the plea and remarked that the case was about the recovery of the girl, and the age issue had to be raised in the trial court.
Dua met her parents, after which the police took the girl to the shelter home. Dua’s mother claimed that her daughter wanted to go home with them. They also asked the judge to record another statement, but the request was refused.
Kazmi asked the court to review the decision, but the court rejected the plea, stating that Dua had given the statement under oath and stated that she did not want to go with her parents.