Use these latest Instagram updates for better app experience

Instagram, the most popular social media app for sharing photographs and videos has undergone several updates for better and more engaging content creation. Some of the latest features on the app will be helpful in optimising the experience of content creators. Browse through some of the features and see if they can be helpful:

Hide Posts:

There may be some accounts whose posts a user doesn’t want to see on their feed. Without unfollowing them, user can easily hide their posts by:

Unfollow Multiple Accounts in One Go

The latest Instagram update compiles a list of followers with whom a user has not been interacting extensively. To unfollow them all at once:

Categorize Saved Posts

If there is content that seems interesting and anyone wants to save it for later they can simply click the bookmark icon on the right side. However, to create categories of all saved posts, these steps can be helpful:

A collaborative saved folder with friends can also be created.

Monitor App Usage

The quick method to track the time spent on the app:

The option will have the data on usage over the last few days and the average time spent on the app. Users can also set reminders for breaks and set a daily limit.

These tips will help in enhancing the Instagram experience and personalising the platform to users’ preferences. Start exploring and make the best of application usage.

Meta will help content creators in making money on Instagram

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