The barbarism of Israel: Hospitals in Gaza on verge of catastrophe

Hospitals in Gaza unable to save people

The heavy bombardment in Gaza by Israel has pushed Palestine on the verge of ‘catastrophic consequences’. Hospitals in Gaza warned that they would run out of fuel and the evident electricity supply interruption would halt them to save valuable lives.

Head of the neonatal department unit at Al-Shifa Hospital, Dr Fu’ad al-Bulbul, said that the chances of survival for infants relying on ventilators would die as they could save only a few babies but not all. He recorded concern about the decreasing low fuel supplies necessary to keep the hospital generators on for electricity. 

A similar concern was shown by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) – which works to provide aid for Palestine refugees. UNRWA cautioned that fuel reserves in Gaza hospitals might deplete in a three-day span.

Al-Shifa Hospital has 45 incubators that hold responsibility for preterm babies resulting from high-risk pregnancies. Dr Fu’ad al-Bulbul said that the hospital ran out of the essential drugs required to save babies in the first two hours of birth. The hospitals face severe shortages of essential medicines like surfactants and caffeine citrate.

Gaza Ministry of Health said that on Sunday (October 22 2023), overnight raids on central Gaza destroyed over 30 homes and martyred 80 people.

Israel Continues Air Strikes on Gaza

Israel stepped up its strikes leaving hundreds of Palestinians martyred in central Gaza. Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime Minister of Israel, issued a warning to Hezbollah ( a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and militant group) and said that getting involved in Palestine war would be the mistake of its life. Similarly, Washington warned that it would not hesitate to act in case of any escalation.

According to Israeli officials, Hamas fighters stormed across the border into Israel on October 7 2023 and launched a raid, killing at least 1,400 people. Israel added that Hamas seized over 200 hostages.

Israel hit back with a relentless bombing campaign that martyred more than 4,600 Palestinians and over 1,000 children. Hospitals in Gaza showed a picture of devastation and havoc as morgues flooded with dead bodies of martyred Palestinians.

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