Israel’s barbaric attack on al-Ahli Arab Hospital: OIC condemns inhuman acts of Israel

Israel's barbaric attack on al-Ahli Arab Hospital

ISLAMABAD: The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) held an extraordinary meeting of the Executive Committee in Jeddah, where it strongly rejected the Israeli claims that al-Ahli Arab Hospital was not behind the bombing during the attack in Gaza. OIC termed the attack on the hospital and killing of several innocent lives a war crime by Israel.

The meeting coincided with the visit of US President Biden to Israel where he showed solidarity with the Jewish state. Biden also endorsed Israeli claims of not bombing the hospital. It is pertinent to mention that the US has vetoed a resolution by the UN Security Council that condemned the atrocities by Israel.

Pakistan and Saudi Arabia co-chaired the OIC meeting where they blamed Tel Aviv for the brutal attack and challenged the versions spread by Israeli and US. Foreign Minister Jalil Abbas Jilani represented Pakistan and condemned the horrible acts carried out by Israel. He stated that Israel carried an indiscriminate & disproportionate use of force that amounted to crimes against humanity.

Palestinian Foreign Minister Riad Malki said that the residents of the strip of Gaza Strip were being subjected to genocide. A joint communique by OIC strongly criticised the UN Security Council for failing to prevent the humanitarian catastrophe and rejected Israeli claims over the massacre that occurred at Gaza’s al-Ahli Arab Hospital – taking the lives of at least 500 innocent civilians.

The communique urged the international community to hold Israel accountable for these heinous war crimes against Palestine.

OIC, a 57-nation Muslim bloc, called upon the United Nations and the Security Council to take urgent measures so that the brutal and barbaric aggression against the Palestinian people can end. The bloc also demanded to allow the entry of humanitarian aid in Gaza. It also demanded the protection of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and prevention of the violation of the sanctity of sacred places in Al-Quds.

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