Sindh Govt announces half-day in govt and private offices in Karachi tomorrow

karachi rain forecast

KARACHI: Sindh Government has decided to shorten the office working hours in the private and public sector tomorrow, fearing the thunderstorms that are now on their way to the metropolis after wreaking havocs in Balochistan.

Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah has also imposed a rain emergency in the province. All the local bodies, administrations and hospitals have been put on high alert and the office hours have been shortened.

Murad has appealed to the masses to not step outside unnecessarily as three-four spells of heavy rains are forecasted from 2PM tomorrow. CM Sindh was briefed on the matters by DG Provincial Disaster Management Authority (DG PDMA) Salman Shah.

The decisions have been taken in line with the findings and weather reports that were shared with the CM Sindh.

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