Rocket launcher shell explosion in Kandhkot tehsil kills 9 people

Rocket launcher shell explosion kills 8 people

On Wednesday, a rocket launcher shell explosion in the Mehwal Shah area – Kandhkot tehsil claimed nine lives including five children. Rohail Khoso, Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) of Kashmore-Kandhkot, briefed that the deceased included two women, a man and four children. Three people were severely injured in the unfortunate incident.

The house, where the explosion occurred belonged to Ali Nawaz Sabzoi. All the deceased and injured were members of the same family. SSP Khoso stated that the police arrived at the site of the incident and cordoned off the area.

According to details, children found a rocket shell while playing and brought it home where it exploded. Eight people died in the rocket launcher shell explosion. The SSP said that an emergency had been declared at the Kandhkot Civil Hospital and an investigation of the matter was under way.

Interim Chief Minister of Sindh Justice Maqbool Baqar took notice of the incident. He asked for a report from the provincial inspector general on how the rocket launcher reached the Zangi Subzwai and are weapons were being smuggled to the Kutcha areas.

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