Pakistan set to launch revolutionary PAKSAT MM-1 satellite

In a significant stride towards enhancing the nation’s communication infrastructure, Pakistan is poised to launch the PAKSAT MM-1 satellite later this week. Scheduled for liftoff from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center (XSLC) in China on May 30, this mission, spearheaded by the Pakistan Space and Upper Atmosphere Research Commission (SUPARCO), marks a transformative step towards a digitally connected Pakistan.

The launch of PAKSAT MM-1, which will be broadcast live from SUPARCO’s establishments in Islamabad and Karachi, is anticipated to revolutionise the country’s communication capabilities. “The satellite is expected to contribute to the establishment of a sophisticated communication network and help meet the growing demands of the telecom sector,” stated SUPARCO.

PAKSAT MM-1 is equipped with advanced technology designed to cater to the escalating need for high-speed internet and seamless connectivity. The high-power multi-mission satellite will provide comprehensive communication services, including broadband internet, TV broadcasting, mobile backhauling, and Very Small Aperture Terminal (VSAT) connectivity. It will operate across multiple frequency bands—C, Ku, Ka, and L Bands—enhancing the nation’s communication infrastructure significantly.

Dr. Usman Iftikhar, the Project Manager for MM-1 at SUPARCO, emphasised the satellite’s strategic importance. “PAKSAT MM-1 is a communication satellite that will be positioned in Geostationary Orbit, approximately 36,000 kilometers above Earth. Its advanced capabilities will address the increasing demand for high-speed internet and seamless connectivity,” he said.

The satellite is expected to play a pivotal role in the country’s Digital Pakistan initiative, a programme aimed at integrating digital technology into all aspects of governance and public service. By providing various communication services, PAKSAT MM-1 will facilitate improved access to broadband internet, enhance TV broadcasting quality, support mobile banking, and ensure reliable VSAT connectivity.

The imminent launch of PAKSAT MM-1 follows the successful deployment of the ICUBE-Q satellite on May 3, which was launched aboard China’s Chang’E6 mission. This progression underscores Pakistan’s growing capabilities and ambitions in space technology, heralding a new era of digital communication and connectivity.

SUPARCO officials are optimistic about the satellite’s impact, projecting that it will not only meet the current communication needs but also pave the way for future technological advancements.

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