Islamabad court rejects pleas by Imran Khan and Bushra Bibi to suspend sentences in Iddat case

An Islamabad district and sessions court has denied the petitions of former Prime Minister Imran Khan and his wife, Bushra Bibi, to suspend their seven-year prison sentences in the Iddat case. The decision was announced by Additional District and Sessions Judge (ADSJ) Afzal Majoka, who had reserved the verdict on Tuesday.

Background of the case

The controversy began on February 3, when an Islamabad court sentenced Khan and Bushra Bibi to seven years in prison and imposed a fine of Rs500,000 each for marrying during Bushra Bibi’s Iddat period, the traditional waiting period a Muslim woman observes after divorce or the death of her husband. The ruling came just days before the scheduled general elections, adding to the political tensions in the country.

This conviction followed another legal blow for the couple earlier in the week, when they received 14-year sentences in the Toshakhana case. Additionally, Khan and his foreign minister, Shah Mahmood Qureshi, were sentenced to 10 years in prison in the cipher case. However, the Toshakhana case sentences were suspended in April, and earlier this month, both Khan and Qureshi were acquitted in the cipher case.

Public reaction and legal proceedings

The Iddat conviction sparked widespread criticism from civil society, women’s rights activists, and legal professionals. Critics labelled the ruling as a severe infringement on women’s rights to dignity and privacy. Protests erupted in Islamabad and Karachi, with demonstrators decrying the state’s intrusion into private lives.

Initially, District and Sessions Judge Shahrukh Arjumand presided over the Iddat case and reserved his verdict in May. However, on the day he was expected to announce the decision, he requested a transfer of the case, citing a petition from Bushra Bibi’s ex-husband, Khawar Fareed Maneka, to recuse himself from the proceedings.

The case was subsequently reassigned to ADSJ Mohammad Afzal Majoka. Meanwhile, Bushra Bibi’s legal team filed a petition with the Islamabad High Court (IHC), seeking her release on bail and the suspension of her sentence.

Recent developments

The Islamabad High Court directed the sessions court to make a decision within 10 days regarding the pleas submitted by Khan and Bushra Bibi. Despite this directive, ADSJ Majoka upheld the original sentences, delivering a significant setback to the couple’s legal battle.

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