Ishaq Dar off to US for annual IMF, World Bank meetings

Pakistan’s Finance Minister Ishaq Dar has reportedly flown to the United States where he would participate in the annual meetings of the International Monetary Funds and the World Bank. Dar is also expected to meet the officials of the two bodies directly.

On Monday, Dar had reiterated Pakistan’s willingness to honour the IMF agreement and said that the ninth review was scheduled to take place on October 25. He ruled out any possibility of negotiating a new IMF agreement since the current was nearing its end.

Despite seeking the rescheduling of the bilateral debt, Dar said that it was not important to seek a debt restructure for wealthy West nations. According to Dar, since the government was arranging $32-34 billion for external payments, arranging an additional $1.2bn was not going to be an issue for the government.

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