Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi defends overseas investments amid Dubai Leaks controversy

Interior Minister Mohsin Naqvi has defended his and his family’s investments abroad, following recent disclosures in the Dubai Leaks. Speaking on Thursday, Naqvi emphasised that as a businessman, he has the right to invest his money wherever he chooses.

“My wife owns a property in London and previously had one in Dubai, which she sold in 2023,” Naqvi explained. He clarified that these investments were fully taxed and that he was not holding any public office ten years ago when these properties were acquired. This clarification comes in response to the Dubai Leaks, which revealed data on over 23,000 properties owned by Pakistani nationals up to the spring of 2022, including a high-value property linked to Naqvi’s wife.

Naqvi stressed the legality of investing abroad and suggested that authorities should focus on investigating those who acquired offshore properties illegally. “There is no illegality in investing abroad. Being a businessman, I will invest where I like,” he stated. He also pointed out that numerous media houses also have investments in Dubai, which should not be problematic if done legally.

Despite facing criticism on social media for his wife’s overseas properties, Naqvi remains committed to his role. “No matter how much criticism is made against me, I will focus on service delivery,” he asserted. He also compared Pakistan’s treatment of its businessmen to that of India, noting that India’s support for its business community has been a significant factor in its progress, whereas in Pakistan, successful businessmen are often labelled as thieves.

Addressing various other issues, Naqvi responded to Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Chief Minister Ali Amin Gandapur’s remarks about taking over a state building, suggesting the statement might be political but assuring appropriate action if necessary. Regarding PTI’s demand for talks with the establishment, Naqvi stated that any discussions should be held with the government.

On the matter of passport issuance delays, Naqvi acknowledged the backlog, noting that passports were currently taking five to six months to process. He assured that efforts were underway to resolve this issue promptly.

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