Indian chest-thumping slammed by Pakistan

In a stern rebuke to Indian politicians, the Pakistani Foreign Office has condemned the exploitation of anti-Pakistan sentiments for electoral gains. The statement, issued on Tuesday, warned against dragging Pakistan into India’s domestic political discourse, cautioning that such actions only serve to exacerbate tensions and jeopardise regional stability.

The Foreign Office urged Indian leaders to refrain from using belligerent rhetoric and to handle sensitive strategic matters with prudence. It emphasised the need for the international community to take note of India’s provocative language, which it deemed detrimental to peace in the region.

The statement comes in response to recent comments made by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to the Muzzafarpur area of Bihar. Pakistani officials criticised the recurring anti-Pakistan rhetoric from Indian leaders, labelling it as indicative of an extremist mindset fuelled by an unhealthy obsession with Pakistan.

Furthermore, Pakistan highlighted its recent revelations of India’s alleged extrajudicial killings on Pakistani territory, arguing that India’s willingness to undertake aggressive operations in Pakistan indirectly acknowledges these actions. The statement underscored concerns about India’s capacity to act as a responsible steward of its strategic capabilities, given the bravado and jingoism exhibited by its leaders.

Moreover, Pakistan accused the Modi administration of leveraging claims of unauthorised killings on Pakistani soil to enhance its appeal to voters during elections. This tactic, according to Pakistani officials, further exacerbates tensions between the two nuclear-armed neighbours and undermines efforts towards peace and stability in the region.

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