Electioneering will end by midnight under Section 182 of Elections Act 2017

following Section 182 of Elections Act 2017, the Electioneering will end by midnight.

The election canvasing and all political campaigns would end by Tuesday midnight as per the orders from the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP). The commission would impose Section 182 of Elections Act 2017 to bar all political activity after the designated time period.

According to Section 182 of Elections Act 2017, public meetings during a certain period would be prohibited. It conveys that during any polls or elections, no person can convene, hold or attend any public gathering, or promote or join in any procession, within the area of a constituency before forty-eight hours of the elections’ day.

ECP has issued strict warnings for the imposition of Section 182 of Elections Act 2017. The election watchdog has warned that legal action would be taken against candidates who organise or participate in any meeting, procession, corner meeting or political activity after the deadline.

In case any individual violates the law, they would be charged with a penalty for illegal practice under Section 183, which deals with a person guilty of the offence of illegal practice. The person violating the law would face two years imprisonment or a fine of one hundred thousand rupees or both.

Reservations Regarding Election Management System

Project Director of ECP Election Management System (EMS), Colonel Saad, assured that there is no possibility of the system getting hacked. While addressing the media, he briefed that ECP has a private network and the EMS was not connected to the internet – making it safe from hacking.

Colonel Saad added that only specific persons would have the EMS access. He further added that 3,600 software operators are trained to facilitate the returning officers. Regarding the release of results, he said it’s not possible to calculate how long it could take to finalise results.

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