A Glimpse of an extraordinary art exhibition – Serendipity

Extraordinary art exhibition - Serendipity

As art is a language of silence, the extraordinary art exhibition, Serendipity, invites art lovers to embark on a journey through the rich tapestry of creativity and experience. As extracted from the curatorial brief, the collection brings together a group of talented artists from various identities and perspectives, showcasing the power of art that transcends boundaries to connect us all.

As written by the curator of the show:

“At the heart of this exhibition lies a celebration of diversity, not just in terms of gender, and age, but also in the diverse range of artistic mediums, styles, and inspirations presented. From the vibrant brushstrokes of contemporary as well as traditional paintings to the intricately designed prints that seem to defy the aspects of idealism.”

Extraordinary Talent Under One Roof:

Each piece is a testament to the artists’ unique voices and their ability to convey profound emotions and stories through their work.


The visionary artists whose work graces this exhibition, as well as the audiences whose presence completes the circle of creativity and embrace the limitless possibilities that arise when diverse artistic voices join together to create a harmonious symphony of expression.

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